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Конвейеры - Отраслевые решения

Конвейеры - Отраслевые решения

The Actuator Sensor Interface – One cable instead of a thousand

This innovative technology enables the networking of field-level sensors and actuators with the higher-level controller in a clear-cut, straightforward arrangement, using a single 2-wire cable. The advantage of this is that it eliminates the need for costly parallel wiring and a large number of I/O modules, because of up to 248 binary actuators and sensors can be connected up to a single unshielded 2-wire cable.

A convincing solution for all sectors of industry

The Actuator Sensor Interface is already being used successfully in a large number of industrial sectors including the book trade and automotive manufacturing, telecommunications, the insulating materials and woodworking industries, tobacco processing and peat extraction.

The photograph shows a conveyor for transporting rims in the automotive industry. As the switchgear cabinets are at a central location, around 60 m away from the installation, an extender is therefore fitted onto the bus line.